Scientific and Technical Center «Technology, Expertise and Reliability» has been specializing for more than 20 years in solving complex problems of ensuring industrial safety of hazardous production facilities, including the development of technologies for the manufacture and repair of shell welded structures, industrial safety expertise and technical diagnostics of technical devices, work to ensure operational reliability technical devices at the facilities of the fuel and energy complex.
The company was founded in 1999 by scientists and employees of the Department of Petroleum Engineering Technology of the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University. Today, company has many years of experience in performing technical diagnostics and extending the service life of equipment safe operation at the enterprises of OJSC «Gazprom Neftekhim Salavat», OJSC «ANK Bashneft», OJSC «Ufaorgsintez», OJSC «Minudobreniya», OJSC «LUKOIL-Ukhtaneftepererabotka» and others. The center's specialists carried out an examination of the industrial safety of gas oil and water tanks, the methanol pipeline of «Yamburggazdobycha» LLC and sections of the ethylene pipeline of «Nizhnekamskneftekhim» LLC, carried out incoming control of the booster pump station at the «Vostochno-Yangtinskoye» field of «Purneftegaz» OJSC, gas pipelines of gas supply and gas distribution systems «Gasservice».
The company's specialists perform turnkey work, including dismantling and installation of thermal insulation of the equipment under examination. When carrying out work at a height, diagnostics are carried out by certified industrial climbers-defectoscopists. The expertise is carried out by highly qualified specialists of destructive and non-destructive testing, certified experts and experts of the highest qualification of the Unified Conformity Assessment System. The employees of the center are certified specialists of welding production of the III-IV level of NAKS for the preparation and certification of welding production, they have academic degrees of doctors and candidates of technical sciences.
Scientific and technical center has the necessary licenses and accreditations.
Over the entire period, more than 10 thousand examinations of technical devices were carried out at chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries.
The company's experts are multiple participants and laureates of expert competitions held by SOA «Bashkir Association of Experts» and OJSC «Svarteks».